Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Secret Genius Mission

I've been really rather under the weather recently. And there is literally nothing that frustrates me more. So like every good technology reared youth, when I finally have to admit defeat and succumb to the sofa, my good friend Internet comes with me. 

So there I was, having a casual stroll on the net when I noticed Genius Gluten Free had a released a mission. But not just any mission, a SECRET mission. Always one to think I would make an excellent Spook, CSI agent, general kick-ass kinda gal, I delved in.

"Pssst! Fancy being one of the first to try and review some secret new Genius products?"

Err yes!

Would this not be the ultimate 'pick you up from feeling poorly present' ...Free food?! 

And tasty food at that! I've been a big fan of Genius products for some time now and eat them pretty much daily. I love the image, that the product stems from a mother's desire for her children not to miss out and that their products are available in the majority of big name stores.

Plus I needed an activity. My body may have been saying "no" but my brain was saying "BORED" and shriveling by the second. And Genius had laid it out so nice and simple. 

  1. Write a short product review
  2. Take a photo of you enjoying the product
  3. E-mail review and product. 

Well you don't get nothing if you don't try eh!? So (admittedly after a nap) I smiled sweetly at my Dad to round up all our Genius Gluten Free bread and set about my entry for the competition....and voila!

And really, what says I love your product more than a jammy heart lovingly spread on a seeded slice of bread?! 

Apparently nothing.

'Cos by damn folks, they only went and picked me to join their troop of Genius Secret Mission participants! I never get picked for anything!! Now maybe I was the only one that entered, maybe they felt sorry for my little makeup smeared 'I'm not feeling poorly, I'm feeling HAPPY' face, who knows. Either way, I am one happy chappy!!

The lovely people at Genius have told me I will receive my secret Genius product by the end of the week. I presume it will arrive under the cover of darkness, a secret hand signal, lots of nodding and knowing looks will take place (told you I was a fan of the secret agent shows...)

In the meantime, check out my entry on the Genius Gluten Free Facebook page

Or for your convenience, here is what I had to say about Genius Gluten Free bread...

Genius started with the simple desire to bring back the small but mighty egg and toast soldiers. And now the perils of food intolerance have been removed for the masses. Genius you are so good to us! Convenience is back as this bread comes sliced in white, brown or seeded. So whether you're feeling simple, healthy or nutty; the satisfaction of jammy toast, a BLT or a more indulgent bread and butter pudding, is all at your fingertips. 

The pitfall of most gluten free bread is the stability of said bread on the journey from packet to mouth. It's risky business. And one that can end in heartbreak if that tantalising toast, sandwich or pud can't make the distance. But Genius have taken Lucinda's humble homemade loaf to mass bakery production, and in my opinion have done it better than all the rest. It holds! It's triumphant! And oh boy is it tasty. Its uniform crumbly texture with a certain sponginess is the perfect backdrop for your staple needs. 

So what is my favourite Genius bread backed snack? Well I'm a student so for me a fry up is a necessity. A daily right. A greasy power meal that can recharge even the most tired souls. And Genius allows me to make THE BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS!! 

This nommy mega meal allows me to fulfill my uttermost greasy desires, with a little bit of a twist. And that's why I love Genius, they give you the stepping stone to, well, get on with it! To get creative, get eating and get enjoying! 

So thank you Genius and thank you for your bread.


FODMAP free x

p.s. Disclaimer: No harm came to FODMAP free in the taking of these photos...although a loaf avalanche was an evident possibility...

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